

Lawsuit settlements could mean money for you!

Posted 10:45 PM, Mar 24, 2016
and last updated 10:30 PM, Apr 05, 2016
Has your dishwasher overheated?
Was there a fire?
If it's a Whirlpool, Kenmore or KitchenAid model, a class action lawsuit settlement could mean money for you.
Scott Hardy with says the dishwashers were made between 2000 and 2006.
The settlement means money back for repairs or towards a new dishwasher up to $300.
The claim deadline is June 2nd, 2016.
None of the companies admit any wrongdoing.
See if you qualify forthis settlement.

Remember the Volkswagen emissions scandal where the company allegedly programmed cars to avoid certain emission detection?
Now Volkswagen and Audi are offering goodwill packages to owners, including a $500 prepaid Visa card or dealer card. 
Make sure you don't give up any rights before signing for this one.
The claim deadline is April 30.
The company admits no wrongdoing.
See if you qualify forthis settlement.

And if you have a mortgage through the online bank Everbank or Everhome mortgage, they may have forced their insurance on you.
The allegation is the insurance was excessive and that the bank got a kickback from the insurance company.
The settlement could mean money back for you.
The deadline to file a claim is April 26.
The companies admit no wrongdoing.
See if you qualify for this settlement.
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