

AZ woman missing after car gets stuck in wash


A 64-year-old Arizona woman is missing after her car got stuck in a running wash Saturday afternoon.

According to the Cochise County Sheriff's Office, Joan Buttner was driving through the High Knolls area east of Sierra Vista when water started coming into her vehicle and she called for help.  

When crews arrived on scene, they were able to locate Buttner's car, but she was not inside. Rangers looked through the wash and along the banks, but were unable to find her.

According to ABC15 sister station KGUN9 in Tucson, Buttner was bringing groceries to a friend who just left the hospital. She left when it started raining so she could get past the wash before flooding.

Sheriff's officials say the search was suspended Saturday night , but resumed Sunday morning. Ground units are searching the area and a DPS helicopter is searching the river path from Benson to Sierra Vista.

One of Buttner's friends told KGUN9 that she is about 5 feet, 5 inches tall and 130 pounds. She was last seen wearing a white shirt, blue pants, red shoes and had an orange purse.

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