Residents in a San Tan Valley neighborhood are frustrated over the mail service.
At times, neighbors say letters arrive weeks late or in some cases never at all.
Residents tell ABC15 about 90-percent of the subdivision has had some sort of mail issue in the past few months.
“It’s very frustrating because I know I have an insurance check and credit card coming,” Karen Lisonbee said. “I’m getting concerned that they might not show up.”
Some residents said the problem dates back to late 2014 when Christmas packages started arriving at the wrong homes, and in some cases were never delivered.
Neighbors say they’ve filed complaints with the U.S. Postal Service, but the problem is that there's a third party contracted to actually deliver the mail.
ABC15 reached out to the Queen Creek Postal Service, the branch that handles the San Tan Valley delivery, and we were told the postal service is aware of the complaints and has addressed the issue with the carriers, while also apologizing and promising it will make every effort to make sure mail is delivered to its proper destination.