

Phoenix PD: 19-year-old killed after argument

Posted 4:56 AM, Jun 11, 2016
and last updated 7:09 PM, Jun 11, 2016

A 19-year-old man has died after a shooting in west Phoenix on Friday night.

According to police, Manuel Castro-Garcia was shot around 9:30 p.m. when he was in car in front of a friend's house near 65th Avenue and Coronado Road.

Police say a dark sedan stopped next to him, Castro-Garcia and the suspect were heard arguing and then shots were fired.

Police say Castro-Garcia drove away in his vehicle but crashed a few houses away from the scene. He was taken to a hospital where he died.

The shooting suspect fled and has not been located yet, police said.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call police or Silent Witness at (480) WITNESS.