

Mesa residents may experience cloudy water in December, January during maintenance

Posted 6:12 PM, Dec 05, 2016
and last updated 6:13 PM, Dec 05, 2016

If you're in Mesa, you may notice some changes to your water into the new year. 

According to the City of Mesa, customers east of the Loop 101 to Val Vista Drive and north of Baseline Road might experience cloudiness from their faucets.

In December and January, scheduled maintenance could cause these changes. Maintenance should be completed with regular service resuming in February 2017.

If your water turns cloudy, don't worry -- it's still safe to use. 

"Our water distribution system is pressurized, causing any air that is present to be dissolved in the water until the pressure is released at the tap," Water Quality Supervisor Ken Marshall said in a media release. "Dissolved air in the water has a cloudy or milky appearance, but it is safe to drink and will not damage plumbing or appliances. Residents can rest assured that their water continues to meet all state and federal water quality standards."

To get rid of the cloudiness, fill a pitcher and put it in the refrigerator to allow the air bubbles to disappear.

If you have questions, call the Water Quality Division at 480-644-6461.