

Man stung over 200 times by bees in Glendale

and last updated

The Glendale Fire Department says a man stung over 200 times by a swarm of bees Saturday morning. 

Officials say someone noticed bees swarming their neighbors and when officials arrived they found a 56-year-old man who was being attacked by bees. Firefighters were able to rescue the man and get him inside the house where they estimated he was stung over 200 times. The man was taken to a hospital in stable but serious condition. 

Police say the man had a weed-eater that attracted and agitated the swarm of bees; a hive was not located by officials. 

This happened near 61st  Avenue and Ocotillo Road around 8 a.m.

The fire department originally said a child was stung over 20 times, but they've now said no children were injured.

The Glendale Fire Department shared the following tips: 

"Keep pets and children indoors when using weed eaters, hedge clippers, lawn mowers, chain saws, etc. Bee attacks frequently happen when a person is mowing the lawn or pruning shrubs and inadvertently strikes a nest. If you encounter a swarm, run as quickly as you can in a straight line away from the bees. Get indoors as soon as possible. If you aren't near a building, get inside the nearest car or shed. Close the doors and windows to keep the bees from following you. Because bees target the head and eyes, cover your head as much as you can without slowing your escape. Avoid excessive motion when near a colony. Bees are much more likely to respond to an object on the move. Don't jump into a pool or other body of water to avoid the bees. They can and will wait for you to surface, and will sting you as soon as you do. You can't hold your breath long enough to wait them out, trust me. If someone else is being stung by bees and cannot run away, cover them with anything you can find. Do what you can to quickly cover any exposed skin or susceptible areas of their body, and then run for help as fast as you can. Once you are in a safe place, use a blunt object to scrape any stingers out of your skin. If you were stung just once or a few times, treat the stings as you would regular bee stings and carefully monitor yourself for any unusual reactions. Wash the affected sites with soap and water to avoid infections. Use ice packs to reduce swelling and pain. Of course, if you are allergic to bee venom, seek medical attention immediately. If you suffered multiple stings, seek medical attention immediately."