EntertainmentAbsolutely Arizona


Conquer 'Nature’s Stairmaster' on the Victory Steps at Verrado

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BUCKEYE, AZ — The Victory Steps at Verrado is often called ‘Nature’s Stairmaster.'

This popular 0.4-mile out-and-back trail takes you along an unusual staircase consisting of over 340 steps made of railroad ties.

“I like it because it’s a good distance, you get a good workout going up and coming down without feeling like you have to do it a hundred times,” said Julie, who hikes the stairs weekly. “If you can’t make it to the top of the stairs, don’t worry. Just go up 10, then go up 15, then go up 20 and come back down. Just so you feel successful.

Once you reach the top after hiking nearly 200 feet in elevation, you’ll get sweeping views of the White Tank Mountains.

Hiking the stairs takes an average of about 20 minutes and the best time to visit is December through May.

“Anybody that’s out here is great, because they’re outside and having fun,” said Julie. “You know they’re trying, they’re not sitting at home on the couch.”

The Victory Steps at Verrado is located off Verrado Way in Buckeye.