Arizona state symbols: how many do you know?

State fish: Apache Trout. The Apache Trout is one of two native fish to Arizona. It was designated as the state fish in 1986. They vary in length between 6 and 24 inches. It's only found in White Mountain lakes and streams.Arizona Secretary of State website
State Amphibian: Arizona Tree Frog. The Arizona Tree Frog was designated in 1986, according to the Governor's office website, part of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission "Arizona Wildlife Awareness" program. The program also helped name the state reptile, fishandmammal.Arizona Game and Fish/Gary Nafis
State reptile: Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake. Like the Arizona Tree Frog, the state reptile was voted on and named during an Arizona Game and Fish program in 1985. It was not made official until 1986.Arizona Game and Fish
State butterfly: Two-tailed swallowtail. It was designated the state butterfly in 2001, according to the Secretary of State and Governor's offices. According to Arizona Game and Fish, they can range between three and five inches and its prominent colors are yellow and black.Arizona Game and Fish
State mammal: ring-tailed cat. The state mammal was decided through the same Arizona Game and Fish program in 1985 that named the state amphibian and reptile. Arizona Game and Fish