

Prince Harry discusses leaving royal life, raps 'Fresh Prince' and opens up in late night interview

Britain Prince Harry
and last updated

LOS ANGELES — Britain's Prince Harry raps the theme song to sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" while standing outside the Los Angeles home used for the opening scene in the show during a late-night talk show interview.

During the appearance on "The Late, Late Show with James Corden," Harry opens up about his life now in LA, his relationship with Meghan, and his relationship with his royal family. All while riding an open top tour bus.

The interview, released Friday, comes in the wake of the decision that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would not be so-called working royals.

Harry says he made the decision to step away from his work as a member of the royal family in Britain to protect his wife and son, and his mental health.

"It was never walking away, it was stepping back rather than stepping down. It was a really difficult environment," Harry said, calling out the British press. "It was destroying my mental health, I was like, 'this is toxic.' So I did what any husband and what any would do and say 'we need to get out of here.'"

Harry said he and Meghan remain committed to public service and doing what they can to make the world better.

"My life is public service, no matter where I am in the world, it will be the same thing."

Harry said he has seen the Netflix show "The Crown," which portrays the British royal family through the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

"It gives you a rough idea of what that lifestyle, what the pressures of putting duty and service above family and everything else, what can come of that," Harry said.

"I am way more comfortable with 'The Crown' than I am with seeing the stories written about my family, or my wife, or myself. Because, it's the difference between, that ('The Crown') is obviously fiction, take it how you will; but this (articles) is being reported on as fact because you are supposedly news. I have a real issue with that," Harry added.

The interview with Corden had several moments of levity, including a tea cart complete with tea and biscuits as the two rode around Los Angeles in a tour bus.

The two stopped at the home used as the exterior in the 90s sitcom "Fresh Prince," and before ringing the doorbell, they sing the theme song.

Corden tries to talk Harry and Meghan into buying the home, telling Meghan during a video call, "You could be the princess of Bel-Air."

Harry also shared that he and Meghan's son Archie is talking now, and received a waffle maker from Queen Elizabeth II for Christmas and has waffles for breakfast now.