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Check your thyroid at Thyroid Nodule Treatment Center

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Thyroid Nodule Treatment Center

Thyroid nodules commonly develop in humans and are variable in size, shape and location. Most of these growths are not cancer but may create symptoms of discomfort over time depending on the size, and location in the neck. Enlargement of the thyroid gland can commonly present with many symptoms including neck swelling, difficulty swallowing, neck pressure, choking, foreign body sensation, or simply a dry cough. Most patients experiencing such issues are sent to a surgeon for thyroid removal. Thyroid surgery is commonly performed safely and has its benefits for the patients; however, the removal of these abnormal glands also removes normal functioning thyroid tissue and produces a surgical scar. A non-surgical approach, Thyroid RFA, can now be performed to quickly alleviate these symptoms through a small skin puncture. This new technique involves applying high frequency electrical energy at the tip of a probe to produce a small focus of heat. Under ultrasound guidance, these probes can be advanced to the edges of the lesions. The abnormal tissue is destroyed safely with pinpoint accuracy. This process also protects the normal thyroid tissue and adjacent neck tissue.

After 26 years of experience with thyroid ultrasound and thyroid surgery, Dr. Harding , a general and endocrine surgeon, has been performing thyroid RFA in selective patients at the Thyroid Nodule Treatment Center. He introduced this innovative procedure to Arizona in 2020. In addition, he has introduced numerous minimally invasive and robotic procedures in Arizona, including endoscopic transoral thyroidectomy. His success in these treatments has changed the lives of many. Evaluation for this thyroid RFA requires a neck ultrasound as well as a few thyroid biopsy tests. These are conveniently offered at the Thyroid Nodule Treatment Center location.

Patients who have been reluctant to undergo thyroid removal now have an option to be treated with an office procedure that provides immediate relief. Patients suffering from huge nodules that push on the windpipe and create symptoms of choking and suffocation can quickly improve without surgical removal of the thyroid gland. Those patients experiencing trouble with swallowing as a result of a large nodule also improve dramatically as the thyroid shrinks in size. Patients enjoy not only seeing their neck swelling improve, but also avoid surgery, and the introduction of thyroid medication to their daily routine. The surgical scar and short-term recovery can be completely avoided. After a successful thyroid RFA procedure, periodic follow ups for thyroid nodular disease become celebrations of success. All of this is available at the Thyroid Nodule Treatment Center.
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