Dr. Nicole Avena is a paid advertiser of Sonoran Living
Dr. Nicole Avena, nutrition expert and author of the book Sugarless: A 7-Step Plan to Uncover Hidden Sugars, Curb Your Cravings, and Conquer Your Addiction, discusses how you can make your 2025 new year’s health resolutions sustainable by making some simple swaps. If you are struggling with sugar cravings, check out Dr. Avena’s new book, Sugarless, where she takes a deep dive into the neuroscience and research behind sugar addiction and outlines simple steps you can take to conquer your excessive sugar intake. One great way to cut back on sugar in your diet is to swap your sugar-containing products with RxSugar products. RxSugar products are flavored with allulose sugar, which is a low-calorie plant-based sugar that is metabolized by the human body differently than table sugar (sucrose). The products from RxSugar do not spike your blood sugar levels and also provide the body with zero calories—a win, win!
If you’re looking to improve your gut health in 2025, focusing on proper nutrition with a special emphasis on prebiotic and probiotic intake is vital! Don’t forget about your children’s gut health either! Begin Health offers an array of high-quality supplements for children that are packed with prebiotics that will fuel your child’s microbiome. Their blend can help to add some extra fiber to your child’s diet since it contains 3g of fiber per serving. Their Growing Up Prebiotics contain a gentle blend that is designed to nourish toddlers and kids and support their gut microbiome as it develops. The best part about Begin Health is you can mix their prebiotic blend into drinks, yogurt, baby food, or even mashed up food!
In 2025, Dr. Avena feels a large focus should be placed on limiting your intake of ultra-processed foods. One simple swap that you can make is one you may not even think of: swapping your plant-based milk! Mooala has a Simple Almond and a Simple Oat Milk on the market that contains a clean ingredient list—which most plant milk don’t have! Mooala contains organic oats/organic almonds, Himalayan pink salt, and filtered water—as clean as you’d make it at home! Their products are glyphosate free and never chemically treated, which is another plus! Next time you’re at the grocery store, skip the gums, oils, and fillers that you find in most plant-based milks and give Mooala a try instead! Mooala is available at Target or Amazon!
Since 2025 starts in January, we can’t skip over immune health—we need to protect ourselves from catching the cold and flu! One way to boost your immunity this year is by using Silver Wings! Silver Wings is an immune supplement that contains colloidal silver, which helps to promote immune function. Silver Wings products are high quality and 5x stronger than other brands as they contain more silver.
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Nicole Avena, nutrition expert and author of the book Sugarless just go to www.DrNicoleAvena.com