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When you need after-hours medical care call MD Triage

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MD Triage, Inc. is a paid advertiser of Sonoran Living

MD Triage began in December 1998 when a Nurse Practitioner felt there was a gap in healthcare. Patients were calling after-hours for assistance in care; were speaking with either hospital teams or with On-Call physicians who could only advise through the patient’s verbal history. Physicians “family time / personal time” is minimal. The large concern has been physician burnout. It is progressively increasing with physicians, mid-level practitioners, and nursing support staff looking for other jobs / other professions.

For the past 26 years, MD Triage has taken approximately 92% of all patient calls; refilled patient maintenance meds, via physician protocols; decreased ED and Urgent Care visits by clinical advice directed by experienced Nurse Practitioners. All other calls are discussed with RNs or Nurse Practitioners with greater than 3 years of clinical experience and documented in the MDT Electronic Health Record and sent to the patient’s physician within 12 hours of conversation. All calls are recorded with our VOIP (voce over internet phone) and maintained for any further evaluation by physician.

MD Triage also offers further assistance to physicians with the MDT Navigation system. This allows the RN / NP to review all patient portal requests and questions directed to MD. Thus, alleviating any further personal time dedicated to patient care. The emails are sent to a “bucket”, reviewed via physician protocols, and directed to either a Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner. The patient receives a response, noting either RN or NP. If the NP feels it is a question beyond her scope of practice, the question will be directed to the MD.

MD Triage is a long-term company in the medical field that will protect the physician, the RN or NP, as well as the patient.

MD Triage, Inc
(602) 317-9942