PHOENIX – A bill was passed in Arizona that has officially made lemonade the drink of Arizona thanks to some high school students.
The bill was sponsored by Rep. Warren Petersen who worked with a very diligent student named Garrett Glover who really wanted to give Arizona a state drink. Glover got to learn about the process of how to make a bill a law and is contiuning to watch the process since the bill just got passed.
Makes you wonder what over state drinks are right?
Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, North Caroline, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessesee, Vermont, Virginia, & Wisconsin are ALL milk.
Alabama – Conecuh Ridge Whiskey
Florida – Orange Juice
Maine – Moxie
Massachusetts – Cranberry Juice
New Hampshire – Apple Cider
Ohio – Tomato Juice
Rhone Island – Coffee milk
California – Wine
Some states like Alaska, Georgia, Texas, Nevada, and a few others don’t have one yet but it is safe to say Arizona might have one of the sweetest drinks!