

Department of Energy announces $3.5 billion to spur domestic battery manufacturing

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PHOENIX — The U.S. Department of Energy on Nov. 15 announced $3.5 billion in funding to boost domestic advanced battery manufacturing and production — one of Arizona's fastest growing sectors.

The funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is intended to expand facilities across the country for critical minerals, battery precursor materials, components and cell and pack manufacturing, according to a Department of Energy release.

“Positioning the United States front and center to meet the growing demand for advanced batteries is how we boost our global competitiveness, maintain and create good-paying jobs, and strengthen our clean energy economy,” Jennifer M. Granholm, U.S. Secretary of Energy, said in a statement. “President Biden’s historic investments are giving the boost needed to build a robust domestic battery supply chain that is made in America.”

Arizona’s battery industry is a fast-growing sector with companies investing billions of dollars into new manufacturing plants throughout the state.

Read more of this story from the Business Journal.