

Legislature funding puts Interstate 10 widening south of Phoenix another step closer


An often-congested 26-mile stretch of Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Casa Grande is a step closer to being widened now that the Arizona Legislature hasappropriated $400 million for the project.

The state financing clears the way for the Arizona Department of Transportation to submit a request to the federal government for $300 million. The Federal Infrastructure, Investments and Jobs Act required the state appropriation in order for a grant application to be made.

The federal money and the new state appropriation would be added to $290 million that has previously been budgeted to pay for the estimated $990 million project. Some of the funding comes from Proposition 400, a dedicated half-cent sales tax approved by Maricopa County voters in 2004.

The project involves the stretch of interstate sometimes called the “Wild Horse Pass Corridor” that starts from Loop 202 south of Phoenix to just south of the State Route 387 interchange near Casa Grande. It is the only segment of I-10 between Phoenix and Tucson that is just two lanes.

Read more of this story from the Business Journal.