

Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport names Lori Collins as director of business and economic development

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Lori Collins likely won't need to have a lengthy meeting to introduce herself to her new colleagues.

Collins started work as the new director of business and economic development for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority on Monday. She took the new job after working previously in Mesa as the city's deputy economic development director.

During her nearly four years with the city of Mesa, Collins worked on projects near the airport such as SkyBridge Arizona, the emerging Gateway East development, Gulfstream, Virgin Galactic and Aviation Performance Solutions. In her new role, Collins will be responsible for executing Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority's strategic business plan, developing relationships with local, regional, national, and international businesses and assisting companies interested in relocating or expanding near the airport.

She said the existing education and workforce training infrastructure in place, with several quality companies and more room to develop, was appealing to her to accept her new gig.

Read more of this story from the Business Journal.