

'A Christmas Cause' brings gifts, food, and joy to 350 Buckeye families

Best Christmas Ribbon 2020
and last updated

BUCKEYE, AZ — Arvonia Batson says, "I'm looking at everybody out here and I'm like this is wonderful!"

A full year's effort all culminated Saturday morning outside the Buckeye Elementary School gym.

Don McWilliams says, "It's an awesome feeling. To know that the community comes together, the donations come in, and to be able to see these kids and know that they are going to have a Christmas it's just awesome."

Don McWilliams, otherwise known as Buckeye's superhero puts on this event every year. The volunteers are Buckeye's men and women in uniform.

Detective Tami Skaggs says, "I'm born and raised here in Buckeye. My parents grew up here in Buckeye. My family was actually a recipient of this type of event when we were young kids and struggling as a family."

For many in line waiting to receive, the tables have turned in 2020 all due to coronavirus.

"We've had people sign up this year that never have before, they usually donate so we know that there is a greater need this year," says Don McWilliams.

Micheal and Arvonia Batson are just one of 350 families receiving gifts and holiday meals today.

Arvonia says, "We really appreciate this. Why do you appreciate it so much? Because with the COVID season and things going on my husband can't work and me being disabled."

Inside black bags, families received donated toys and Christmas gifts- specifically picked by them. Food banks and grocers donated turkeys and hams along with vegetables Christmas dinner items.

Volunteering on Saturday morning was Buckeye Elementary school counselor Sherry Saylor, who had the chance to see in person- for the first time- one of her online students.

Sherry Saylor says, "These kids are my family. I'm a counselor at Buckeye Elementary and so when I see one of my kids come through the line, it definitely touches my heart. This is really special that our community comes together and does this kind of an activity"