

Arizona to start reporting COVID-19 data on weekly basis instead of daily

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PHOENIX — Arizona health officials will soon go from releasing new state COVID-19 statistics every day to every week.

Former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona, who has been a special adviser to Gov. Doug Ducey, announced the change Friday on the state Department of Health Services’ website.

In a blog post, Carmona said it was the right time to cut down to updating the state dashboard weekly “with all COVID-19 metrics steadily declining.”

Jessica Rigler, assistant director of AZDHS, told ABC15 that the changes were recommended by the data and epidemiology teams to bring COVID-19 reporting more in line with how other infectious diseases tracked by the department are monitored.

Other changes to the reporting: COVID-19 hospitalization data will now have a reporting lag of two weeks, while COVID-19 death reporting will lag by four weeks. Rigler said that this change gives the epidemiology team time to conduct their regular investigations on each case.

The post also had sign-offs from chief clinical officers at Arizona's major hospital systems.

The state will release new data every Wednesday beginning March 2.