

Glendale police locate, arrest man wanted for stealing toys from Salvation Army before Christmas

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GLENDALE, AZ — A man arrested for burglary may be tied to as many as 20 Glendale business break-ins.

Glendale police report that on January 12, they arrested 43-year-old Mark Allison Dollar at his home near 59th and Northern avenues.

Police say DNA and fingerprint evidence linked Dollar to four business burglaries, including the Glendale Adult Care Center and the Salvation Army.

Dollar allegedly stole "numerous toys" from the Salvation Army right before Christmas.

His identification was located in the nursery of Nueva Vida Church of God where an alarm went off around 1 a.m. Christmas morning.

Glendale police continue to investigate Dollar's possible involvement in as many as 20 business burglaries around 59th and Northern avenues.

He's been charged with four counts of burglary.