

Man accused of sexually extorting Valley teen online

24-year-old Caleb Henry was arrested in Scottsdale last week
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SCOTTSDALE, AZ — A California man is facing charges after allegedly sexually extorting a teenage girl from the Valley.

According to court paperwork, 24-year-old Caleb Henry is facing one count of sexual extortion and two counts of unlawful distribution of pornography.

Henry allegedly started a "consensual online sexual relationship" with a 15-year-old girl residing in Phoenix, where the two exchanged inappropriate photos and videos.

The investigation began in November of 2022, when the victim contacted Phoenix police. The teen had provided her social media account info and the suspect's as evidence.

Police found media that was sexual in nature on the accounts.

A search warrant was executed on the service provider, and those identified the suspect as Henry.

In September of this year, a Department of Homeland Security investigator got involved in the investigation, saying Henry had been identified as the suspect in the case of a second minor victim that lives in the United Kingdom.

Police received information that Henry was staying at a hotel in Scottsdale. On November 9, Henry was taken into custody without incident.

Court paperwork shows Henry acknowledged his involvement in the crimes.

It also indicated that additional federal charges are pending for the potential victim outside of the U.S.