Three teens are accused of assaulting, robbing and forcing two others to perform sex acts in the desert of North Phoenix.
Courts documents show that on March 21, one of the suspects and the two victims were walking through the desert, near 30th Avenue and the Carefree Highway, on their way to another suspect's apartment to go swimming.
Police said they passed through a desert wash and stopped to "hang out" around 1 p.m.
The suspect sent a text message to the other two suspects, who joined them in the desert.
Police report that one of the victims was accused of cheating of his girlfriend. One of the suspects used his fists and a handgun to beat the victim. He then forced the victim to disrobe and lay on the ground, where the victim was kicked in the face numerous times.
The suspects then robbed the two victims and forced them to perform sex acts.
The three 16-year-old suspects were located the next day in the same area and arrested by police.
They are all facing charges of kidnapping, armed robbery and aggravated assault.