

Tucson Unified School District releases plans to reopen, continue online learning

and last updated

Tucson Unified School District will discuss its plan to reopen classrooms in the fall 2020 semester.

In a 5 p.m. Tuesday board meeting, the district will discuss its proposed plan - outlined as "A New Era for Education."

This month, TUSD plans to review data from surveys sent to parents and develop curriculum options for in-class and remote learning, as well as hybrid programs.

In July, the district will develop transportation programs, distribute surveys on reopening plans and finalize staff training on safety policies and procedures. The district will also ensure that protective equipment is available for all staff and students.

According to the district's survey results, 14 percent of parents will want their students to enroll in online-only classes next school year. Nearly 40 percent of parents say they'll require students to wear masks when they return to the classroom.

Students with any sign of illness will be asked to stay home. All staff and visitors will be given a health screening upon entering campus.

All staff members will be required to wear masks, but students in grades 6-12 won't be forced to wear them while social distancing.

Students who refuse to wear masks will be placed into an online education program.

All students will be required to wear masks while riding buses, with only two students allowed per seat.

Those who would like to provide input can email

School will begin Aug. 6.