You place a big order online and receive it, but there's a problem. The company offers to send a replacement, but when it arrives, you have the same problems! It's a frustrating situation, and one Mike S. found himself in recently.
"My wife is disabled and has limited mobility," Mike explained. The couple had searched online for a mobility scooter and found one they liked. They placed an order through a seller which contracts out to manufacturers.
Mike says the scooter arrived quickly, but issues followed quickly as well.
"The first time she used it, the brakes didn't work, the headlights didn't work," Mike listed.
Mike got on the phone to contact the manufacturer. The company sent out a replacement scooter, but Mike says it had the same issues.
That's when Mike reached out to both the manufacturer and the seller for help but says they pointed fingers, each stating the other company was responsible.
"We were going to be stuck with a scooter that didn't work and we're going to be out the almost-$3,000 we paid."
Mike said he became frustrated with the situation so he Let ABC15 Know.
Our Let ABC15 Know/Better Business Bureau volunteer, Joe, jumped on the case. He got involved in mediating between the seller, the manufacturer, and Mike. The manufacturer agreed to pick up the scooter and Mike would receive a full refund - Problem solved!
"Joe came in like Superman and saved the day," said Mike, adding, "My wife and I both did a happy dance!"
After this experience, Mike says he would change two things: research more before making the purchase and try to buy from a local company instead of online so someone is nearby to help if there's an issue.
We can't thank Joe and our other volunteers enough for all of their work to help consumers each and every day!