

Is your credit card charging you for 'extras'?


It's crucial with any purchase to look at your contract line by line or you could end up with a very expensive surprise.

Terence let me know that somehow a dealer "slipped in" a roadside assistance charge of $1,800.

He says the dealer eventually agreed to remove the charge, but months later it was still there.

Unexpected charges can also end up on bank and credit card statements.

It happened to Robert who let me know he had an $870 charge on his credit card statement and he had no idea where it came from.

Both of these viewers needed help and the Let Joe Know/Assistance League of Phoenix volunteer team went to work.

And in just a few weeks, our team was able to get back all of the money for both Robert and Terence.

I know some transactions like buying a car or hiring a contractor can be fast paced and overwhelming.

My advice is to have another person with you, take your time no matter how fast they want to go, ask as many questions as you want, and go over each charge line by line before signing anything.

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Need my help? Call the Assistance League of Phoenix volunteers at 1-855-323-1515. You can also send me anemail, or a video email where you attach a video explaining the problem.

And you can reach me ontwitter or "like" the Let Joe Know Facebook page and tell me about it there.