So, you're at a restaurant, and there's a problem — the food is overcooked, undercooked, or not what you expected.
Do you say something?
"I'll go time and time again with friends who don't want to say something, don't want to upset the chef," says Steve Chucri, President and CEO of the Arizona Restaurant Association.
It is member-based but works for restaurants statewide on customer loyalty, health and safety issues, and more.
Chucri says if you have a restaurant issue, speak up.
If the server can't solve the problem, take it to the manager.
"If he can't rectify it or you feel like you've been wronged, you can bring it to our attention," Chucri says.
One customer let me know she and a friend were asked to leave a Valley restaurant because they had been there too long, so we let the Arizona Restaurant Association know. They talked to the restaurant.
"The couple finished their meal but were sitting at their table while there was a line," Chucri says.
The restaurant says they asked to relocate the couple to other seating where they could still hear the live music, but Chucri says the customers felt they were being kicked out.
The restaurant apologized and clarified its intent.
"They cleared the air and said, 'come back, come back on us,'" Chucri says.
This one ended well.
And while the association is willing to intervene, he says it won't always end in a free meal.
Sometimes, Chucri says the restaurant and customer may not see eye to eye.
"You're just going to have to shake hands and say we agree to disagree and maybe we're not the restaurant of your choice," he says.
The restaurant doesn't have to be a member of the Arizona Restaurant Association for them to get involved.