

Do you qualify for cheaper health insurance?

You may have received a letter that you're being dropped from your health insurer. Some providers have pulled out of the Healthcare Marketplace. But, three providers remain: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, HealthNet and Ambetter.
If you live in Arizona, at least one provider will be available on November 1st when enrollment begins for 2017. And make sure to check if you qualify for subsidies.
Experts say 30,000 Arizonans qualify but did not take advantage of the lowered insurance costs. Click here to find out more about the Healthcare Marketplace.
And the Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers says about 300,000 people who qualify for federally-funded AHCCCS, didn't apply. Click hereto find out if you qualify for AHCCCS.
It can be tough looking through the various plans to see where you might qualify, but there is help. This site allows you to find a navigator that can help with your search for free.
GET HELP WITH YOUR CONSUMER PROBLEMS IN PERSON! On Thursday, October 20 th, from 5-8 pm, we're taking Let Joe Know on the road.
We'll be at Tempe Marketplace, with 25 attorneys and consumer experts covering issues like landlord/tenant, HOAs, family law/child support, car repair/buying,health insurance, employer issues, consumer scams, contracts and more. 
Talk with the experts one-on-one. Just bring your paperwork and come to the District Stage at Tempe Marketplace (at the 202 and McClintock). And it's all FREE!
Also, "like" the Let Joe Know Facebook page and tell me about any consumer problem there.