

Does your favorite restaurant make the grade? Check restaurant health ratings online

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Going out to eat is supposed to be fun. Somebody else is doing the cooking, but what if they're not doing the cleaning?

There's a way you can check to see whether or not your favorite restaurants are making the grade.

Maricopa County Environmental Health Department inspects restaurant cleanliness and food preparation practices.

They are the same agency that investigates customer complaints against restaurants--like when there's no soap in the bathroom or you see a roach run across the table.

Make sure you have a description of exactly what you saw, the address, and whether or not you got sick.

Reporting it is a big deal. Because it helps investigators identify when there is a cluster of food borne illness and pinpoint where it's coming from.

And it may be embarrassing but when you see something weird or gross happening, take a picture. Or better yet record it, because video tells the story better than you ever could.

We've got links to look up restaurants around the state and report them on the Let Joe Know Facebook page.  While you're there let me know about your experiences.