PHOENIX — When you sign up for TV and internet service, it usually involves some special deal only good for a limited time, but the details can be vague and sometimes, your rate changes before you thought it would.
That's what Mary says happened to her.
She asked the company "Why did you change my rate, what is it you changed on my rate, and why am I paying more for no more service?" she asked.
Mary says her service price increased by more than 16% in just six months.
She said she was "in a two-year plan and was never told after a year the rate would to up $20." In fact, she says the company representative told her that. "I said hey, I'm not going to get an increase, Anna told me I wouldn't," Mary recalled.
She says despite her best attempts, she couldn't find why the increase happened and couldn't get a better deal.
"Okay I'm done. I can't fight you anymore. I need some help," she eventually said.
For 10 years now, our Let Joe Know/Better Business Bureau volunteer team has been helping thousands of people.
They are people like Tanasia who let us know she wanted to return earrings that were "too heavy and hurt her ears." But, she says the store wouldn't honor the 60-day return policy on her receipt because the policy was now 30 days.
Our problem solver Cathy got involved.
In no time, the store decided to do the right thing and gave back the $2,200 that Tanasia paid.
Sometimes it isn't about money.
Christine let us know she took an online driving course "to satisfy a speeding ticket." But, she only got a note that she completed the course.
The court needed an official document that the business didn't provide.
Christine said she "called, left voicemails, emailed them with no reply."
When Christine let us know, our volunteer team made one call, yes one call, and she said, "as a result, the court now has Christine's completed info."
Back to Mary, she said she knows what the Let Joe Know team has done, "I've watched some of the things that are life-changing for people."
So, Mary trusted us with her TV service issue.
Our volunteers took over, got to the right people and Mary finally got help. "Actually, my rate is lower than it was last year," she told us.
Just as important to her, Mary got an explanation of what happened to her rate and what to expect going forward.
"If you can get to that business and have them do the right thing that is a service that Arizona needs," Mary stated.
Every day, our team is working to help you get back tens of thousands of dollars and if you're a problem solver, we need you.
Let me know if you're interested in becoming part of our team: email