

Is HOA making up violations and fees?

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Like walking on eggshells. That's how some residents describe living at the Mesa Terrace Condominiums. They blame their HOA.
Arlene Willis has lived there for years. She complains of getting parking fines and towing costs. Arlene says many of the parking lines are faded and hard to see.
Yet, she says, people get towed if they park on the line. Arlene says she also got a $100 fine because the carpet cleaner ran hoses up her stairs, she lives on the 2nd floor; and she got a $50 violation warning because she talked to us. Yes, because we contacted the HOA about Arlene's concerns, they issued a "communications" violation warning. And those don't even include all the late, administrative and collection fees she's been charged and paid.
Arlene admits she got behind on HOA payments twice after a car accident and illness when she was on disability. Those fees totaled more than $7,000.
Others residents we talked with at Mesa Terrace Condominiums told us similar stories. They blame the property manager Scott Gordon. We couldn't find Gordon.
But the Mesa Terrace Condominium Association did issue a statement to us.
In part, they say "every homeowner has the opportunity to file an appeal with the Board and meet with the Board if applicable...The Board and Homeowners have spent a great deal of time over the last few years reviewing, refining and implementing HOA policies. All units are billed the same fees determined by the type of violation and # of violations incurred within a 30 day period as per the fine policy. "
Do you have a crazy HOA? Call the Assistance League of Phoenix volunteers at 1-855-323-1515. 
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