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AZ Hugs helps gets families off the street amid extreme heat


Getting the most vulnerable off the streets during this extreme heat could be a matter of life and death, and one local organization is doing just that.

AZ Hugs for the Houseless, founded by Austin Davis, is saving lives every day.

“We’re facing a really dangerous crisis for families experiencing homelessness in the valley,” Davis told ABC15.

The reality is, it’s hard enough living on the streets, but when you pile on extreme heat, it becomes a lot worse.

“I’ve had families call me and say I’m at this hospital, my daughter had complications from heat exhaustion,” added Davis.

ABC15 met Davis nearly one year ago when he was hoping to get a trailer to help bridge the gap between being on the streets and finding a shelter.

An ABC15 viewer donated one to him, and he, alongside volunteers, got to work.

They called the trailer, the Hugs House.

“I’m really excited. You know, we’ve already got one family trailer to shelter and another one coming in tomorrow. And excited to keep going and learning how this project can best work and how we can build from it,” he said with a smile.

Glynda Henderson, the Chief Changemaker and CEO of the Social Spin Foundation says they’ve partnered with AZ Hugs, lending them a space to house the trailer and use their facilities.

“As you can see, it does touch me. I just have a small part in being able to have a safe space which really makes me happy,” said Henderson, in tears.

Steve Remillard and his family tell ABC15 they were evicted after black mold was found in their apartment, and have been homeless since.

“Being in this lifestyle, it breaks a lot of people,” said Remillard.

“I’ve been crying the last couple of days. I’m so stressed out,” added his partner.

Thursday, they got in touch with Davis, who gave them life-changing news.

“He’s like, 'Oh hey, by the way, I’ve got this trailer.' We’re just like, 'Oh my God. And I was like, slow down, we have a place to stay now. Let’s breathe for a minute,'” said Remillard.

Remillard says this is a huge relief for them and their little ones.

“I can’t find the words to say it, but it’s a huge weight off our shoulders,” Remillard told ABC15.

The Hugs House is now a safe haven for families facing housing insecurities.

“It’s a beautiful thing,” said Davis.

“Sky’s the limit as far as I can see,” added Henderson.

“He’s definitely saving lives and making a difference,” Remillard told ABC15.

The AZ Hugs House and the Social Spin are always accepting donations to help the most vulnerable and transform lives.