PHOENIX — The ABC15 Investigators are committed to holding the powerful accountable and uncovering waste, fraud, and abuse in our community.
Many of our difference-making reports utilize public records to expose government actions and their impact on Arizonans.
It was through numerous public record requests and the fulfillment of those requests that ABC15 Investigator Jennifer Kovaleski was able to prove federal agents wrongfully arrested a Phoenix woman.
Public records obtained exclusively by the ABC15 Senior Investigator Melissa Blasius helped to uncover how Arizona taxpayer dollars were spent on pianos and ski trips for kids who received Empowerment Scholarship Accounts for K-12 education.
ABC15 Investigator Anne Ryman’s dogged requesting and digging through public records revealed how many Arizonans have died in dental chairs.

ABC15 is committed to finding the answers you need and holding those accountable.
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Although access to public records is a fundamental right, gaining access to them can be costly, time-consuming, and filled with roadblocks that deter the public from obtaining them.
For all these reasons, the ABC15 Investigators are participating in Sunshine Week, a week dedicated to informing the public about their rights to access public records and government transparency.
Through a series of reports, we will investigate:
How Arizona ranks when it comes to the ability for citizens to access public records
The cost of obtaining public records
Bills in the Arizona legislature that could impact government transparency
Roadblocks in obtaining public records and;
- Resources available to members of the public trying to obtain public records
For more information about Sunshine Week, click here.
If you are struggling to access public records or have an investigative news tip, email the ABC15 Investigators at