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Open houses begin for San Tan Valley municipality proposal

Posted 1:38 AM, Jul 12, 2023
and last updated 3:44 PM, Jul 12, 2023

If San Tan Valley became a city of its own, it would climb to the top of the list as Pinal County's biggest, right behind Maricopa.

There’s now a non-profit undertaking the monumental task of making San Tan Valley a municipality of its own.

It’s not uncommon to hear construction amid the quiet around the Queen Creek and San Tan Valley communities.

RELATED: Efforts underway to incorporate San Tan Valley, making it Pinal County's largest city

The area has grown so much during this month as they brought a new zip code for a portion of Queen Creek. The one-number difference created pain for more than 200 homeowners to change their address across banking, medical and personal info.

Viewers wondered if that zip code change could impact property value.

ABC15 took that question to area realtor Shannon Gillette.

”I wouldn’t foresee that happening, however maybe there will always be a desire for 85142 being a very popular zip code,” said Gillette.

What could change property values is a proposal from the non-profit STV Inc 2024, a grassroots effort for San Tan Valley to become its own municipality.

”My personal opinion, is home values would probably go up over time by being incorporated,” said Gillette.

Tuesday marked the first-day residents could check out the proposed boundary map and voice their thoughts at San Tan Heights Community Center.

While the boundary map has not been finalized yet, it is seeking community input.

Becoming its own municipality would give San Tan Valley better local tax control, government representation and address key issues of a growing community like water and transportation.

“The most obvious is transportation,” said Tyler Hudgins, chairman for the non-profit.

Hudgins says they'll need to put the matter in the hands of voters on the 2024 November ballot.

He says they'll need signatures of 10% of the population of San Tan Valley, which is roughly 100,000 people according to the most recent census.

“It’s about looking forward to the future to say hey, how can we come together as a community, create a community, a municipality, that we’re proud of to pass on to our children,” said Hudgins.

The next open house will be at the Pinal County offices on July 20 and then on September 30 at San Tan Heights Community Center.

The next open house is at the Pinal County offices on July 20 then September 30 at San Tan Heights Community Center.