PHOENIX — A Maryvale neighborhood is now the focus of a redevelopment effort by the Phoenix City Council.
One major concern is all the trash that is in the area: you can see clothes, beer boxes and even shower curtains strewn throughout the street. It has gotten so bad here that a homeowner’s son actually spray painted the words "No Dumping" in an effort to get people to stop.
For neighbors along a portion of 69th Avenue off Thomas Road in Maryvale, the trash is only the half of it.
"Especially when they're throwing dead dogs and cats, it was smelling in the back of my yard," said Palmie M. Peralta, who has lived in the neighborhood for 11 years.
Peralta says illegal dumping has always been a problem. Another neighbor who wanted to remain anonymous says he is worried for the safety of his two daughters.

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"There is usually kids running around and racing from one corner to the other because there is no speeds bumps, there is nothing, there is not even enough lighting," he said.
Now, the Phoenix City Council has voted unanimously to declare this area blighted and look to redevelop it.
The city’s resolution for the effort saying in part: "There are conditions, that endanger life or property by fire, criminal activity and other causes."
The city is working with The NRP Group to potentially build an affordable housing multi-family project, but only with substantial financial investment.
Residents here are hoping it will lead to better days for their neighborhood.
"I don't know if that's going to help or not, but I hope so,” said Peralta.