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Phoenix high school seniors getting more access to laptops for college readiness


PHOENIX — The Arizona Lottery’s Gives Back program sponsored $50,000 for the College Depot at Phoenix Public Library’s GRIT program to buy new laptops and internet access for students.

GRIT stands for Graduating Ready, Independent, and Tenacious.

Phoenix Public Library’s College Depot program helps bridge the digital divide through the GRIT program, which is designed to provide high school seniors from underserved communities the tools they need to succeed as first-generation college students.

GRIT’s goal is to provide a more connected, hands-on program approach, including mentoring, career and college counseling, and step-by-step completion of important education milestones.

These new laptops will help them accomplish that. The students can take them home to work or use them at the library with their GRIT advisor who helps them every step of the way.

“Through the technology, they’ll be able to participate in College Depot's hybrid programming, have help completing financial aid applications, scholarships, college applications, and it'll really just make it so we can serve more students through the program,” said Phoenix Public Library Foundation Executive Director Kelly Bushong. “It's really important we can remove any barriers they encounter along the way and just get them set up for success on their college journey.”

To learn more or enroll for next year, click here.