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Reid Park Zoo celebrating 5th birthday for Nandi the African elephant

Posted 10:50 PM, Aug 17, 2019
and last updated 12:32 AM, Aug 19, 2019

The Reid Park Zoo will be hosting a birthday celebration for African elephant Nandi in honor of her fifth birthday Sunday morning.

The activities will go from 8 a.m. through 10 a.m. in the Expedition Tanzania Area.

Reid Park Zoo is encouraging the community to come out and celebrate with Nandi.

“We are celebrating her life and birthday, but we are also celebrating the lives of wild elephant herds too,” says Sue Tygielski, PhD, Director of Zoo Operations.

Reid Park Zoo says Nandi has learned many skills and the zoo wants to commemorate those accomplishments with activities for both her and the guests.

Scheduled activities:

  • 8:10 a.m. – Free birthday cupcakes for the first 100 guests
  • 8:15 a.m. – African drumming and dancing presented by African Diaspora Showcase
  • 8:30 a.m. – Sing “Happy Birthday” to Nandi and watch her receive her favorite treats
  • 8:45 a.m. - Elephant dance performance by African Diaspora Showcase
  • 9:00 a.m. – Elephant-themed activities and keeper chats

While this will be a celebration for Nandi, the zoo wants to remind and educate everyone about poaching, habitat loss and human conflict. Elephants are vulnerable species and there are actions that can be taken at home, like not purchasing ivory. says Tygielski.

The zoo will demonstrate how they care for Nandi and the other elephants.

The birthday celebration is free with zoo admission. Adults are $10.50, seniors are $8.50, and children are $6.50.

Anyone can visit the website for a live stream of the elephants herds.

For more information on Reid Park Zoo elephants, click here .