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State leaders react to Arizona senate vote to repeal 1864 abortion ban

The bill is now heading to Governor Katie Hobbs' desk
and last updated

PHOENIX — Both chambers at the Arizona capitol have officially passed a bill that would repeal a ban on abortion that dates back to the Civil War.

The House passed the bill last week, while the Senate approved the measure Wednesday.

The motion to repeal the ban now heads to Governor Katie Hobbs to potentially sign. Governor Hobbs has told ABC15 multiple times that she would sign the repeal immediately once it reaches her desk.

Leaders from both sides of the aisle are sounding off after the vote.

Attorney General Kris Mayes:

"Today’s vote by the Arizona Senate to repeal the draconian 1864 abortion ban is a win for freedom in our state. I look forward to Governor Hobbs signing the repeal into law as soon as possible. However, without an emergency clause that would allow the repeal to take effect immediately, the people of Arizona may still be subjected to the near-total abortion ban for a period of time this year. Rest assured, my office is exploring every option available to prevent this outrageous 160-year-old law from ever taking effect."

Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva:

“The Arizona Senate’s action to overturn the draconian abortion ban is a much needed moment of relief for women and families across the state. Thanks to Arizona women and advocates, the GOP-controlled Arizona Senate has finally passed the repeal of this cruel law. I applaud those voices that united to stand against ideological interference with personal health decisions. While this is a step forward for reproductive freedoms, sadly, this fight is far from over. Donald Trump and Republicans still bear full responsibility for overturning Roe v. Wade and stripping away women’s bodily autonomy. Because of Republican’s actions, women across the country are being forced to travel to other states for abortions, face criminal prosecution, or even death for receiving critical health services. It’s unconscionable and disproportionately forces women and families with low financial means unnecessarily into harm’s way. The upcoming election will decide the future of abortion access in Arizona and our nation, and I will continue to support women and legislation that codifies the right to an abortion into law.”

Governor Katie Hobbs:

“Today, I am glad to see the Senate answered my call and voted to repeal Arizona’s 1864 total abortion ban, and I look forward to quickly signing the repeal into law. This total abortion ban would have jailed doctors, threatened the lives of women across our state and stripped millions of Arizonans of their bodily autonomy. The devastating consequences of this archaic ban are why I’ve called for it to be repealed since day one of my administration. Thank you to Democratic members of the House and Senate for working tirelessly with me to repeal this draconian law. “I will never stop fighting to protect reproductive freedom. Arizona women should not have to live in a state where politicians make decisions that should be between a woman and her doctor. While this repeal is essential for protecting women’s lives, it is just the beginning of our fight to protect reproductive healthcare in Arizona. I will continue to call on the legislature to pass the Arizona Right to Contraception Act and protect IVF from ongoing attacks. And I encourage every Arizonan to make their voices heard this November when abortion rights will be on the ballot.”

Arizona State Senator Anna Hernandez, bill sponsor:

"Arizonans have been begging the legislature to take actions since the Supreme Court’s ruling on April 9. Since then, the legislative Republicans have continuously ignored their constituents who overwhelming support the right to choose, and blocked Democrats attempts to bring legislation forward that would repeal the ban until last week. I’m glad that today we were able to continue the House’s momentum and give HB2677 the votes it needs to get to the governor’s desk and be signed into law. While today was a step towards ensuring our right to choose and protecting our access to abortion in Arizona, this is not the end. We must continue to fight until our rights are guaranteed in the constitution.”

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema:

“A woman’s health care decisions should be between her, her doctor, and her family. The Arizona Legislature made the right choice by coming together in a bipartisan way to repeal the 1864 law that would have banned abortions in nearly all cases and punished doctors for providing critical care. More must be done to safeguard women’s health, safety, and well-being, and I will continue working with anyone to protect Arizona women’s ability to make their own decisions about their futures."

U.S. Senator Mark Kelly:

“The majority of Arizonans support a woman’s right to make her own decisions about abortion. I'm relieved that common sense prevailed today, but this harmful ban may still take effect for some time, leaving chaos and uncertainty for Arizona women and doctors. “This reality is the result of Roe v. Wade being overturned and the only way to fix it is to restore reproductive rights once and for all.”

Arizona State Representative Matt Gress:

"I am grateful to my Senate colleagues for giving final approval to repealing Arizona's territorial abotion law, replacing it with the 15-week law. It's important we have a policy in Arizona that respects women and protects new life, and that's reflective of the values of Arizonans."

Arizona US House Rep Greg Stanton:

"I’m relieved the Arizona Senate voted today to repeal the dangerous 1864 abortion ban, and I look forward to our Governor signing it into law. But make no mistake: the only way to stop these relentless attacks on women's reproductive rights once and for all is at the ballot box."

ABC15 will continue to add statements from lawmakers and other leaders as we receive them.