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Tolleson Union High School District confirms outside investigation

Supt. Calles and Dr. Luna-Nájera were both present Tuesday at the Governing Board's regular meeting, which served as the first time the public had a chance to comment
tolleson unified board meeting 8-13

There is now an outside, independent investigation involving leadership at the Tolleson Union High School District. This confirmation by Governing Board Members comes on the heels of a chaotic meeting Friday, where the Superintendent told a crowd attending a special meeting that the board was trying to fire him.

Their agenda for Friday's meeting had an item regarding Superintendent Jeremy Calles. While the board went into a private session. Supt. Calles said this was all happening after he filed a sexual harassment complaint against the Board President, Dr. Elda Luna-Nájera.

Ultimately, no action was taken on Friday, and Supt. Calles is still on the job.

He and Dr. Luna-Nájera were both present Tuesday at the Governing Board's regular meeting, which served as the first time the public had a chance to comment.

"I just wanted to give support for Supt. Calles and his job," said parent Maria Smith.

During the meeting, Smith was the one person who spoke out. The complaint and investigation not addressed until the last few minutes.

"We agreed to have an outside, independent party conduct an investigation," said board member Dr. Kino Flores. "Our focus on maintaining strict employee confidentiality as the investigations proceeds reflects our determination to ensure sure this matter is addressed fairly and impartially."

Dr. Flores and another board member, Steven Chapman, before the meeting insisted at no point was the board considering terminating Supt. Calles.

On Friday when ABC15 approached the Board President, a door was quickly slammed as cameras rolled. On Tuesday ABC15 tried again at the meeting and via email. But Dr. Luna-Nájera said nothing and quickly left through a side door.

With the investigation ongoing, other board members told ABC15 they needed to let the process play out. Supt. Calles also did not take questions.

Smith told ABC15 she left feeling relieved.

"I’m so glad that they basically said that his job was safe," said Smith.

ABC15 will continue to follow up on the investigation.