As temperatures rise in the Valley, so do our utility bills. For those living on a tight budget, affording those bills and repairs to A/C units can be tough. A local valley non-profit is looking to help those in need keep their energy cost low for free.
Foundation for Senior Living, or FSL, holds the Weatherization Assistance Program for Maricopa County. They help to improve the health and safety of thousands of households every year through free life-changing weatherization services.

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For 85-year-old Sharon Gannuscio, her air conditioning unit was struggling to work and the retired great-grandmother couldn’t afford a new unit.
“We moved into this mobile in 1999 and negotiated a new unit then but about years later it started struggling. So, I had someone come out and look at it, they said it was fine. But my utility bills were more than 300 dollars a month and I just couldn’t do that and we needed air,” said Gannuscio.
Gannuscio’s son found FSL online and started working with his mom to get her qualified for the program.
“Once you are qualified, we’ll have an energy auditor come into your home, do a test to see how your home is losing energy. Then we hire certified contractors to come in and make those repairs to reduce the energy burden for that homeowner,” said Katie Martin of Foundations for Senior Living.
FSL installed a new A/C unit, furnace, and water heater and then sealed all the systems — making her home livable and safe once again.
“FSL was like a lifesaver because they made it livable for me. It made me feel like I could stay in my home,” said Gannuscio.
“I am so grateful that we were able to help Sharon and that she found out about the program,” said Martin.
If you need help, contact FSL through their website or call them at 602-532-2976