SCOTTSDALE, AZ — Valley residents are raising concerns about a crosswalk near Hayden Road and Del Cadena Drive near Las Palomas.
"There are many times I've seen interactions with cars, pedestrians and bicyclists that are very unsafe," said one neighbor. "I've seen a car hit a bicyclist, I've seen fire engines here dealing with people that have been hit and I think either the city of Scottsdale or McCormick Ranch need to address the problem that we have."
The neighbor wanted to remain anonymous but said it's been a growing problem since the weather has been nice and more people have been using the area.
The City of Scottsdale said there are multiple options for residents to address their concerns including filing a report online.
"Scottsdale residents with concerns about safety at intersections should contact the city’s Transportation and Streets Department," said the spokesperson.
"Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners will evaluate the area to determine if any additional safety measures, including additional signage or streetlights, are needed," they added.
The spokesperson also told ABC15 that the area may be getting some upgrades.
"The Las Palomas neighborhood entrance crosses Scottsdale’s Indian Bend Wash multiuse path which is heavily traveled by bicyclists and pedestrians," the spokesperson said.
"The city is in the midst of installing a new wayfinding and information sign package along the Indian Bend Wash," they added.
For more information or to file a report, visit the city's website at