NewsOperation Safe Roads


Tempe officials to hold public meetings for proposed speed limit changes

Meetings to be held August 26 and September 19

TEMPE, AZ — Tempe officials will hold two public hearings for proposed speed limit changes on four major roadways — Mill Avenue, College Avenue, First Street and Southern Avenue.

According to the city, the changes look to "match the function and character of these corridors."

Still, some drivers told ABC15 they don't think reducing speeds will help.

"I feel like a lot of people do speed on the street," said Caden Bundy. "They do go faster than the posted speed limit and stuff."

Others agreed.

“Everyone is already speeding over the speed limits to get where they want to go already…so if you slow it down it just means people are going more over the speed limit," said Alissa Weed.

“I feel like the speed limit signs aren’t a very efficient way of enforcing things — there’s no one standing there saying you have to go this speed," said Jaysha Chavez.

The first public hearing is scheduled for Monday, August 26 at 6 p.m. in the Tempe City Council Chambers.

The second public hearing and vote is scheduled for Thursday, September 19 at 6 p.m. in the Tempe City Council Chambers.

The public can submit comments or request to speak at both hearings online.

For more information on the proposed changes, click here.