NewsPoliticsAmerica Votes | ABC15 Arizona


ABC15 highlights candidates for Arizona's 3rd Congressional District


PHOENIX — Arizona's Primary Election is July 30 and ABC15 is spotlighting some of the candidates in the major races.

ABC15 Political Reporter Ben Brown spoke with the five Democratic and Republican candidates on the ballot in the primary.

For the Democrats, Yassamin Ansari, Raquel Terán, and Duane Wooten are seeking the seat currently held by Ruben Gallego.

On the Republican side, Jesus Mendoza and Jeffrey Zink are on the ballot.

Watch the full story in the player above.

All five candidates participated in the Arizona Clean Elections debate held earlier this campaign season.

You can watch Ansari, Teran, and Wooten in the Democratic candidate debate below:

You can also watch Mendoza and Zink discuss the issues in the player below: