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ABC15 highlights GOP candidates for Arizona's 8th congressional district


PHOENIX — Arizona's Primary Election is July 30 and ABC15 is spotlighting some of the candidates in the major races.

ABC15 Political Reporter Rachel Louise Just takes a look at a race with one of the biggest fields in the state. Six Republicans are vying to replace Debbie Lesko in Arizona's 8th congressional district. Among those six are Patrick Briody, Trent Franks, Abe Hamadeh, Anthony Kern, Blake Masters, and Ben Toma.

Hamadeh, Masters and Franks did not agree to an interview with ABC15.

Watch the video in the player above to see the state of one of the most competitive races in Arizona.

Five of the six Republican candidates participated in the Arizona Clean Elections GOP debate for this district earlier in the campaign season.

You can watch that debate in the player below.