CASA GRANDE, AZ — Communities across the Valley are cleaning up after major storms over the weekend, including Casa Grande who was hit especially hard.
"Well, they were closing the windows." says Margarita Leyvas, a Casa Grande resident.
It was a close call for Margarita Leyva's son and grandson.
"Then when the wall started to lift, he said they tried to hold it down," says Leyvas.
But the storm was too powerful, the wall and roof of their Casa Grande home collapsed over them.
"My grandson that you met pushed my son this way, otherwise, they would've been slammed up against the shelving," says Leyvas.
The two men were forced to crawl out, narrowly escaping serious injuries.
"They were covered in glass. As my grandson mentioned, he had a piece sticking out of the side of his face and he's got scrapes and everything," says Leyvas.

Directly across from there, metal roofing was ripped off from two brand new mobile home trailers that were knocked over by the strong winds. Residents in the southwest part of town say it was the worst monsoon storm they have ever experienced.
While some residents were impacted by the flooding, "I'm thinking, 'what if my car gets flooded out and I'm stranded here, am I ever going to make it to the wedding or not?'" says Levi Dilley, a newlywed.
Levi and Karen Dilley never expected that type of weather on their wedding day, facing one problem after another on Saturday.
"The lights had gone out, so I was still doing my makeup. I couldn't even do my hair because there was no electricity," says Dilley.
All of that pushed back their ceremony by two hours and most guests did not make it until well into the reception. Looking back, they say it was just another storm in life they had to weather together.
"I brought sandals and I put them on and I'm like... I'm going to carry my shoes just in case I have to walk through floods but, I'm getting married today," says Karen Dilley, newlywed.