

Logging around Flagstaff ramps up to reduce risk of wildfire

Logging around Flagstaff ramps up to reduce risk of wildfire

Recreationists heading for the mountains in Flagstaff will notice an increase in logging activities linked to the Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project.

The Arizona Daily Sun reports crews using chainsaws have thinned several forested areas north of the city since June.

The cut trees will either be offered up for firewood or gathered into big slash piles for later burning.

Supported by a voter-approved bond in 2012, the project aims to reduce the risk of wildfire and post-fire flooding in the city's key watersheds.


Project manager Jessica Richardson says after crews fell the trees, they will be cut to mill length on site, then will be transported to the mill. The forest slash left behind will be piled up and burned or offered up as fuelwood.