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Payson police looking for man who attempted to lure child into woods with candy

KNXV Police lights 2
Posted 12:59 PM, Jun 04, 2021
and last updated 11:21 PM, Jun 04, 2021

PAYSON, AZ — UPDATE: Payson police say they've made contact with the person in question, however, no arrest has been made at this time.

Payson police released the following statement Friday:

"The Payson Police Department has been working this morning on following up on leads and information provided by the public. At this time, we believe we’ve identified and spoken with a person of interest. With the information we currently have, we are unable to establish that there was any intent to harm or abduct the child. However, the investigation is ongoing, and we will continue to follow up on information received.

While we don’t have any information to indicate that there is any current danger to children in the area, we always encourage parents to be vigilant and report anything of concern to the police department.

Additionally, we want to remind people that it is not appropriate to take matters into their own hands, or conduct their own enforcement efforts. Anyone who is determined to have harassed or threatened someone that they suspect may have been involved will be prosecuted.

The police department’s non-emergency number is (928)474-5177, and emergencies can always be reported to 911."

----------- Original story ------------

Police in Payson are looking for a man who allegedly tried to lure a child into the woods by promising candy.

Payson Police Department says they received a report of the incident around 7:30 p.m. Thursday along Dealers Choice Road.

A man reportedly came out of the wooded area and tried to get a young girl riding her bike to go into the woods with him. The man reportedly promised the girl he had candy.

Police say the man went back into the wooded area west of where Dealers Choice Road curves and was not located.

The man is described as an average-build white man, about 5 feet, 10 inches tall, with salt-and-pepper hair. He is said to have a mustache that went to both corners of his lips.

He was last reported to be wearing clean clothes -- black or dark gray shorts, tennis shoes, and a long-sleeve black top -- but he was described as "dirty."

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Payson Police Department immediately. Their non-emergency phone number is 928-474-5177.