

Arizonans have mixed reaction to Trump's plan


Donald Trump is doubling down on his call to temporarily ban all Muslim travel to the United States. While many are condemning his comments, others agree with the front runner's plan.

"I think he's just trying to protect America." 

Valley resident Diana Dean said she hopes Donald Trump becomes the next president. She said it's refreshing to hear a candidate speak his mind without worrying about offending others.

"I'm really getting tired of government trying to appease the people, trying to appease everyone but the American citizens," she said.

Dean is just one of many who stand behind Trump and behind his comments regarding Muslim travel to the United States.

"Yeah I agree," she said. "There should be a ban just for the fact that, we need to stop terrorism."

It's a ban Imraan Siddiqi, with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said won't happen.

"It's completely absurd because there's no legal way to do that," he explained.

Siddiqi said he fears there will be an increase in hate crimes against Muslims because of some of Trump's comments.

"Every time he tends to say something inflammatory or Islamophobic, his poll numbers go up," Siddiqi said. "There's Islamophobia that comes from all sides, but it generally has been focused from that right wing."

Track Trump's biggest campaign moments in the timeline below.