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Census data outlines household income growth by zip code

Posted 12:31 AM, Dec 21, 2019
and last updated 12:31 AM, Dec 21, 2019

PHOENIX — In Maricopa County, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting…slightly less poor.

According to newly released census data, the zip codes in the valley that have seen the largest increases in income in the past five years are some of the highest and lowest earning zip codes in the county. ABC15 analyzed median household income by zip code for the 2018 American Community Survey 5-year estimates and compared them to the same survey completed in 2013. We then focused on the 112 zip codes in the valley in which more than 10,000 people resided in order to keep the margin of error to a minimum.

We found that the zip code with the highest income growth in Maricopa was 85006, an urban zip code located just north of Downtown nestled between 7th Street and 24th Street. In 2013 this area reported a median household income of just $22,957, that number increased to $35,597 in the 2018 survey, for a total growth of 55 percent.

The second highest income growth zip code occurred in a very different part of the valley.

85253 is the zip code for Paradise Valley, an area just west of Scottsdale that contains some of Arizona’s most luxurious houses. In 2013, the zip code had a median household income of $109,185. In 2018 that number rose to $156,655, a 43 percent increase.

Rounding out the top 5 zip codes with the highest increase in median household income include North Scottsdale and areas of Phoenix west of Downtown.

The median household income for the state of Arizona is $59,246.

Top 5 Zip Codes in Maricopa County with the Highest Median Household Income Growth:

1. 85006 (Phoenix)

a. 2018 Population: 28,176

b. 2013 Population: 25,097

c. 2018 Household Income: $35,597

d. 2013 Household Income: $22,957

e. Percent Growth: 55%

2. 85253 (Paradise Valley)

a. 2018 Population: 18,643

b. 2013 Population: 17,003

c. 2018 Household Income: $156,655

d. 2013 Household Income: $109,185

e. Percent Growth: 43%

3. 85031 (51st Ave & Indian School Rd.)

a. 2018 Population: 32,737

b. 2013 Population: 29,755

c. 2018 Household Income: $35,706

d. 2013 Household Income: $26,187

e. Percent Growth: 36%

4. 85266 (North Scottsdale)

a. 2018 Population: 12,937

b. 2013 Population: 10,717

c. 2018 Household Income: $136,573

d. 2013 Household Income: $100,338

e. Percent Growth: 36%

5. 85009 (Southwest Phoenix)

a. 2018 Population: 49,536

b. 2013 Population: 49,710

c. 2018 Household Income: $30,760

d. 2013 Household Income: $22,725

e. Percent Growth: 35%