Sweltering weekend temperatures won't stop some people from hiking Valley mountain trails.
The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department is putting out hiking safety tips ahead of the extreme heat.
It's part of their "Take A Hike, Do It Right" campaign. Officials are advising hikers to watch the weather, dress appropriately, bring water, keep in contact with people and go with a partner or group.
READ MORE: Tips for staying safe on the trails
They say more than 200 hikers are rescued every year from the City of Phoenix desert and mountain parks and preserves.
Park Ranger Christine Romo says they are extending hours at three locations for the summer months. North Mountain Park, Piestewa Peak Trailhead and Pima Canyon Trailhead in South Mountain Park have extended parking hours from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., between June 1 and Sept. 30. Trails at those locations are open from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Dogs on trails are also banned on days when temperatures reach 100 degrees or more. Phoenix Parks and Recreation Official Gregg Bach says violators can be cited for a class one misdemeanor, which could carry with it a fine of up to $2,500 and up to six months jail time.
In 2016, when Phoenix passed the ban on dogs on hiking trails, the group voted down a potential hiking ban for people during extreme heat. Parks department staff had proposed a ban on hiking when temperatures reach 110 degrees.
NEED TO COOL DOWN? Heat-relief stations set up around the Valley