

Body donation firm owner sentenced to probation

Posted 12:53 AM, Dec 12, 2015

The owner of an Arizona company that arranges the donation of bodies for medicine and research was sentenced to probation and later jail time for his role in mishandling the donations.

Prosecutors say Stephen Gore faces four years of probation and a deferred sentence of 12 months in jail for illegal enterprise, according to the Maricopa County Superior Court.

According to info from inside the courtroom, the jail sentence that was deferred will be revisited next year.

The 48-year-old Gore pleaded guilty in October to a charge of illegally conducting an enterprise after his company, Biological Resource Center of Arizona, was the subject of a two-year investigation.

Gore acknowledged his firm provided vendors with human tissue that was contaminated and used in ways that went against the wishes of the donors.

Related: Families file suit against body donation firm

The company's body donation facility in Phoenix was raided in January 2014 by authorities wearing hazardous-material gear.