An 8-year-old Phoenix boy is on a mission to make sure no one else loses a loved one to heart disease.
Mason Sabin never got to know his older brother, Ethan.
"He had a bad, bad disease and he was trying to stay alive, and everyone tried to help him," Mason said of his brother. However, there was no help in the world that could fix little Ethan's congenital heart defect.
Ethan was born on February 12, 2008. He passed away when he was only 15 days old.
"The grief process is difficult, and this is the first time I feel like I could share Ethan with the world," said the boys' mother, Lisa, talking about an idea Mason had to honor the brother he never knew.
The eight-year-old is partnering with the American Heart Association to raise money for babies like Ethan.
"Since my brother and lots of other babies had heart diseases like that, I thought it would be a good way to help them and raise money," he said.
The first-ever fundraiser is called Hoops Helping Hearts. It takes place Sunday, February 25 at Cashman Park in Phoenix. Details about the event are available by clicking here.